(Future (step into life series

(Future (step into life series
1 فن

(Future (step into life series
Future The first poster of step into life series. Chameleon holds a lot of symbolic meanings, for me, chameleons represent the future. There are two reasons why I chose a chameleon as a symbol for the future: Firstly, its movement, chameleons move slowly but surely; looking everywhere to decide what step to take and which way to go, just like how our experiences, our ups and downs, and our relations shape the way for us. Secondly, its ability to change colors, chameleons can change color based on the surface they are on, their mood and temperature, and that's exactly how we shape our future. I believe that our future is subjected to the changes we make through our life, so there is nothing like one future waiting for you. We are able to choose our own future based on the things we do, our moods, and our needs. There are tons of things in the world waiting for you to choose from, so go on your life, fear nothing, enjoy your journey, and make your future.

نُشرت الفنكيلة بتاريخ 2019-04-16 تمّت مشاهدتها 747 مرة نَسب المُصنَّف غير تجاري منع الاشتقاق الترخيص بالمثل جميع الحقوق المحفوظة

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