Freedom (Step Into Life series)

Freedom (Step Into Life series)
1 فن

Freedom (Step Into Life series)

Freedom: The third poster of the Stip into Life series. Hummingbirds have a lot of symbolic meanings because of their abilities but for me the hummingbird means freedom, just watch a hummingbird flying around and you'll understand. They are small birds capable of way too much from the ability to travel great distances to the ability to fly backwards, exactly like the freedom, it's a basic human right but allow you to do whatever you wish. Freedom is a huge responsibility, use it wisely.

نُشرت الفنكيلة بتاريخ 2019-11-19 تمّت مشاهدتها 1,136 مرة نَسب المُصنَّف غير تجاري منع الاشتقاق الترخيص بالمثل جميع الحقوق المحفوظة

حدث خطأ!

فن إلهام

فنكيلة مُلهمة من
Hassan Al Nabilsi
مُيّزت بتاريخ
بتاريخ 29/11/2019
